
Marketing Blog | Addison Clark | Richmond, VA


Education vs. Hard Sell

Have you ever been in a situation where you feel an uncomfortable amount of pressure to buy something from a business? As we move into the next decade, we hope you’ll experience this less and less. The best choices when it comes to products and services should present themselves through genuine quality over aggressive persuasion.



Digital marketing experts estimate that most Americans are exposed to between 4,000 and 10,000 advertisements each day. That’s a lot of ads! It’s not a surprise that people have grown immune to hard-selling tactics.

Content marketing continues to dominate advertising channels. Content marketing involves stimulating interest in a product or service through the creation of online material (such as videos, blogs, and social media posts). There is a reason this strategy has continued to win companies new and repeat business.

As this becomes more and more ineffective, the quality will rise to the top and the deceit will fall to the bottom. Create educational videos that prove why your business is the best. Connect with your audience in a creative way such as fun graphics for social media or blogs that educate them and ultimately gain trust. You can help your customer base understand the specifics of your goods and services and provide extra context as a bonus. Elaborating on the science behind a process or proof of concept can go a long way with credibility and, ultimately, loyalty with customers.

So, next time you are thinking of putting your brand name out there, pack it with truth, transparency, and convince your customers that you’re the right choice through genuine education.

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