
Marketing Blog | Addison Clark | Richmond, VA

blog email marketing jan 21

Just because the email is sent does not mean your work is done! There are so many ways to monitor and improve your email marketing tactics to better provide your customers with the ideal interaction with your business. Check out these subtle ways to enhance your customer's experience in 2021.


  1. Welcome Emails!
  2. Nothing is better than successfully engaging new customers who want to learn more and interact with your business. Introduce yourself, confirm sign up was successful, and offer valuable information about your business all in one email. A consumer is more likely to open and click through on a welcome email than any other variety.

  3. Skimming is Winning
  4. Your content is important; we know that and your customers know that, which is why they have subscribed to your email list. However, with the number of emails delivered to our inboxes each day we don’t want to bog down our audience with lengthy, wordy emails. Content that can be conveyed quickly and precisely is the goal. Try using lists, catchy phrases, and to the point preheaders so that your audience takes the time to read your email.

  5. Streamline the Unsubscribe
  6. We know this seems a little contradictory to growing your list, but higher quality engaged subscribers are the ultimate goal. Having subscribers jump through hoops to finally reach that unsubscribe button is a frustrating process that could yield undesirable results starting with hurting your open rate and leading to your emails being marked as spam. Allowing readers to easily unsubscribe leads to a clean list and a more positive experience for your consumer from start to finish.


Make 2021 the year of the successful email marketing campaign, contact Addison Clark for assistance with your marketing needs today!

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