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2023 marketing trends

The world of digital marketing is ever-changing. New technology is putting creativity far ahead of its time and changing the game of digital marketing and advertising. The name of traditional advertising has changed as social media has become a leading source of marketing and advertising products and services. Digital marketing trends are heavily influenced by evolving technology, social and cultural trends, and design trends. What is popular right now? What are people talking about? 2023 is predicted to bring many changes to the marketing and advertising world. Here is what you can expect in the year ahead:

1. Short Videos

With the rise of social media marketing, reels and TikToks have made short videos a popular way to share messages that are simple and clear. Because short-form videos are taking over, attention spans are constantly dropping. Businesses and companies will benefit from adopting the short-video strategy in their advertising to stay relevant. Businesses will be able to better stay in front of an audience and stay relevant by taking advantage of the rise in social media marketing, mobile device usage, and simple, short messages. 

2. Artificial Intelligence (AI)

2023 is introducing AI platforms and tools that could shake up the digital marketing landscape. These new tools and resources, such as online chatbots, can be used to generate creative concepts for messaging, enhance personalization and targeting in campaign performance, and better understand and measure data. These machine algorithms are going to be able to gather large amounts of data and report the data in ways that will help marketers better understand how their marketing campaigns are performing. Marketers, creatives, and developers are going to be able to develop more efficient and effective ideas and campaigns through the use of online chatbots. 

3. Metaverse

The metaverse heralds itself as the future of digitial connection. It's an immersive virtual world for people to experience online through Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR). Many big brands like Nike and Starbucks have begun experimenting with this as a marketing tactic by creating their own virtual worlds where customers can immerse themselves in the brand. The metaverse promises to act as a new place for customers to learn, shop, and socialize. 

4. Influencer Marketing

With the help of TikTok, influencer marketing has taken over traditional advertising in many ways. Word-of-mouth advertising has been a genuine and authentic way to generate buzz about a brand or product. People are more likely to choose a brand or product that a friend has recommended over one they have seen in a traditional ad. What better way to promote something than have someone who heavily influences people promoting your brand or product? People are more likely to trust the reviews and opinions of someone with a strong online social presence. Even when influencers are not doing a paid promotion, any product they use is more likely to go viral because it builds credibility and trust in their audience. 

Not all digital marketing trends will apply to every business or company, but staying in the know will help businesses better understand how consumers' viewing and purchasing behaviors are effected by the ever-changing world of marketing trends. 

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