
Marketing Blog | Addison Clark | Richmond, VA

multi touch

Have you ever been watching TV and the same commercial comes on back to back? Did you know that is done on purpose in order to capture your attention? Most Americans are so busy multi-tasking that it takes several tries to grab their attention. This is why a multi-touch marketing strategy is key.

At Addison Clark, we believe it all starts with your online presence (aka your website). If you don't have an online presence, you aren't going to get far. Getting your website in shape is Step One to your marketing strategy.

The next step is getting seen in search engines. This is where SEO comes into play. Google receives over 63,000 searches per second on any given day. Getting in those customer searches is important to getting them to your website. 

Content Marketing
Content is also a big part of marketing. You want to make sure you are presenting the correct message to customers or potential customers. This is where a blog could be helpful. Are you in a service-related industry? Think about a blog that offers helpful tips. 

Email Marketing
Another great way to stay top-of-mind with customers is email marketing. While many people think emails are just noise in your inbox, this doesn't have to be the case. You can create smart emails that contain quality content and don't bombard your customers. Send emails that offer value and your customers will want to read them.

Digital Advertising
Digital advertising is another effective way to get in front of new customers. While your current customers may follow you on social media, visit your website and get your emails, it is important to attract new customers. Pay-per-click ads and social media ads are two great places to start. 

Social Media
YouTube is the world's second largest search engine and Facebook has over a billion users. It is obvious people are using social media. While you don't have to be on every platform (nor should you be), it is important to pick the ones right for your business and push out quality content (back to those blog posts).

Other great marketing opportunities include events, seminars and webinars. Getting face to face with your customers or potential customers is still important in this digital age. Including printed collateral in this piece is a smart way to send them home with something to remember you by. Who doesn't love a new pen?

And last, but not at all least, analyze how your multi-touch strategy is working. Reviewing data daily, monthly, quarterly will help you see what areas are working and what need to be tweaked. 

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