
Marketing Blog | Addison Clark | Richmond, VA

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Sometimes it can seem like using social media is like walking on eggshells. You want to be personal, professional, on brand, fun and exciting, all while keeping your audience engaged. Do you share pictures of your dog? Maybe. Do you only talk about the product or service you offer? Definitely not.

Social media is a balance. When we talk to clients we often refer to the 80/20 rule. 80% of the time you want to post interesting, fun, informative articles and 20% of the time you want a direct call to action.

The 20% is easy. It's what you do all the time — sell your product. Tell the audience why it's awesome. Show them the benefits of choosing your service. Give a discount. Easy breezy.

What about that not-so-easy, vague 80%? The answer is it all depends on your brand. Keep the posts professional, but personal. Think of adjectives you would use to describe your business. If they are quirky, off-beat, fun and lively, then share things that go along with that. Maybe it's a dog dressed up in clothing you sell. However, if the words you'd use to describe your company are polished, clean, and high-end, you probably wouldn't want to post anything goofy.

The key to social media is knowing what your target audience is looking for. Why did they decide to follow you? What would they find impactful and decide to engage with? Once you answer those questions, the 80% will get easier.

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