
Marketing Blog | Addison Clark | Richmond, VA


LinkedIn can be a valuable tool for individuals looking to connect with colleagues and build a professional network, but it is much more than that! For businesses, LinkedIn is a marketplace to share ideas, products, and services. Connect with your audience and start building awareness for your brand on LinkedIn with these five tips:


Define Your Marketing Strategy

Before investing time and money into LinkedIn marketing, it is important to clearly define your marketing goals and target audience. These goals and audience should drive the content you share across LinkedIn. By utilizing messaging targeted to your unique audience, you can drive more qualified leads for your business.

Optimize Your Company Page

Establish credibility and gain visibility with a company page that is optimized for search. Be sure to use a high-quality profile and cover photo with consistent branding throughout. Also, carefully consider the language and keywords used throughout your profile to clearly represent your brand. This will make it easier for relevant users to find your Page!

Consistently Share Relevant Content

LinkedIn is a great opportunity to establish your brand as a thought leader in your industry. While it may be tempting to focus only on promoting your products or services, sharing additional, engaging content is just as important! Use images, videos, PDF’s and more to enrich your content and further engage your audience.

Cross-Promote Your LinkedIn Page

Now that you have a consistent strategy, optimized Page, and content to share, promote your LinkedIn Page! Add a link to your company’s LinkedIn profile on your website, blogs, emails, and more to further increase your following.

Use Analytics

Finally, utilize LinkedIn’s Analytics to determine which content is resonating with your audience. As you learn what messaging clicks with your audience, continually refine your content!

Despite fewer active users than Facebook and Twitter, a recent HubSpot study found that traffic from LinkedIn generated the highest visitor-to-lead conversion rate, almost 3 times higher than both Twitter and Facebook. By leveraging the platform effectively, you can drive major impacts for your business. Looking to take your LinkedIn strategy to the next level? Addison Clark can help!

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