
Marketing Blog | Addison Clark | Richmond, VA

video marketing 1

It's no secret that video has become a key component in advertising with the rise in video features on social media and other platforms. Video is engaging to view and leaves a long-lasting impression of a business or brand. Video content can be a useful tool when explaining your product or service and can increase a viewer's understanding of that product or service. These long-lasting impressions increase brand recognition because viewers are more likely to remember information they've watched in a video over something they have read. Here are 5 reasons why video is a powerful marketing tool:

1. Audience retention
Video is much more likely to trigger emotions than any other type of marketing content. Triggering emotions are necessary to build long-term relationships and create those lasting impressions. When using video as a marketing tool, your audience is more likely to remember your brand and what you can offer them. 

2. Staying visible longer on social feeds
Since social media is used by a majority of the population, it's imperative to break through the clutter. Social media feeds are packed with ads, photos, and other information that becomes repetitive. Users are more likely to stop scrolling and engage with video content than social content. 

3. Increase engagement
Because users and viewers are more likely to stay on video content longer than static content, this leads to increased engagement on social and website. Video content increases website traffic and, in turn, drives sales. 

4. Brand trust
Video offers the feeling of face-to-face interaction and allows a brand to be more personable. Video content builds credibility and trust in a brand by offering viewers a more casual way of viewing an advertisement. 

5. It's easy for viewers
A majority of consumers prefer video content to reading. Videos offer the ability to explain your product or service in a quicker and more engaging fashion. 

If you're wondering whether you should create video content for social media, email marketing, or for a commercial on TV, the answer is yes! Video content offers a great ROI because of its ability to increase and drive brand awareness, recognition and trust. 

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